CPDN How To 

  • How do I register as a CPDN user?
  • How do I submit a CPDN sample?
  • How do I retrieve my sample?
  • What do I do if the system fails on image upload?
  • How do I make diagnosis or identification?
  • How do I find samples I have submitted or diagnosed?
  • How do I search CPDN samples?
  • How do I find my user name/password?
  • How do I update my account information?
  • How is CPDN sample ID generated?
  • Where do I get IT related CPDN support?
  • What's the maximum file size I can upload to the CPDN server?
  • What version of Internet browser does CPDN support?
  • How do I make changes for a submitted sample?
  • How do I change a sample from "Public" to "Private" or vice versa?
  • How do I register as a CPDN user?
    1. Click on the Sign up button from CPDN home page.
    2. Fill in all required data entries (marked with * ) shown below and click on the Submit button. Please note, your email address must be accurate. We will send activation information through your email.
    3. After an approval, your account will be activated and an email notification will be sent to you.
    Please make sure any of the required fields are not left empty before clicking Submit button.

    How do I submit a CPDN sample?
    1. Login the CPDN home page
    2. Click on the "Submit a Sample" link

    3. Follow the prompts to complete three-step submission procedure:

    (1) Select Sample Type:

    Select your sample type from the submission screen. If you are not sure what type sample you are submitting, you may select more than one category.
    Then click on the Next button.

    (2) Fill Sample Data:

    I Fill in the "Grower and Sample Information" part.
    Data entry with an asterisk (*) is a required field. Data confidentiality is an important element of the system. Grower's information can only be viewed by the person who submits the sample.
    Please enter a title for your sample in the "A short name about this sample." field. In addition to a sample ID, this title could remind you what this sample is about. If a biological sample has been sent to a diagnostic lab, select the calendar icon to pick up a date.

    II Fill in the sample detail part.
    This field is different according to the sample type you have chosen. In addition to the required fields, please provide as much information as you can.

    III Fill in the "Additional Description of the Sample" part.
    In this area provide detailed description of the sample that may help diagnosis.

    IV Fill in the "Select a Lab/Specialist to Send Sample"
    This part is strictly required for sample submission. You may select labs from the lab list, or you may select specialists from the specialist list. Then click "Add to my list" button to include your selections to your submission list. Email notification will be sent to the specialists you have selected. If you want to include your message in the email notification, please type in the text area. Then click "Next" button to continue.

    (3) Upload Digital Sample

    Include your digital samples by clicking on the Browse button. After you select your media files, you may click on the Preview Media button to view the files before submitting them.
    Initial submission can upload up to 6 images. Image should be in the format of GIF or JPEG. Video could be Windows Media or QuickTime.
    The maximum size for each uploading file is 3MB and you can submit up to six files for each sample. Normally, each image should be less than 1MB.
    After you complete all data entries, click "Upload Image". If you don't have images to upload, select "No upload at this time". Images can be resubmitted later through sample revision in MyCPDN->My Sample. The system generates a unique sample ID (i.e. 02-9999) for each submission. If you experience system failure during the upload, read What do I do if the system fails on image upload?

    How do I retrieve my sample?
    1. Login the CPDN home page.
    2. You may click on "My Sample" link in MyCPDN page. All your samples are displayed in this page with most recent sample on top.
    By selecting the year and the status of the sample followed by clicking the submit button, you may filter out samples you want to view.

    What do I do if the system fails on image upload?
    Uploading many large images is a challenging task, which depends on the Internet connection speed, server, and your local computer. If you experience system failure during image upload, it is good to know that your field data in the submission form has been submitted to CPDN database. Therefore, you don't have to start over again and a few things you can do: 1) Go to MyCPDN->My Sample and Revise this sample to submit additional images. 2) Limit the number of images for each submission. You may limit your initial submission to one or two images and then send more images through sample revision. There is no limitation on how many times a sample can be revised. 3) Use right image size. Today's digital camera can take very high resolution images. You may select proper image resolution or crop the image using image software if necessary to reduce file size of an image. 4) Use high speed Internet connection if you can. 5) Contact CPDN Help Desk for technical support.

    How do I make diagnosis or identification?
    1. Login the CPDN home page.
    2. Click on My Sample and select the CPDN ID of the target sample. Then click on "Diagnosis" in Operation column.
    3. Read the sample information in "View" tab . You may click on the thumbnail images to view large size images. Or you may click on the Photo Viewer to launch the viewer. If a multimedia file is included, you have to have a viewer installed on your computer to view the video.
    After you examined the sample, click on the "Diagnosis" tab to enter your diagnosis. If you want to include a web page in your diagnosis, please put a complete URL started with http in your diagnosis (i.e. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ddis2). If needed you may refer this sample to an external specialist or other CPDN specialists.
    Click on the Submit button to send your diagnosis.


    How do I find samples I have submitted or diagnosed?
    1.Login the CPDN.
    2. Click on "My Samples" and select options from the radio buttons.

    How do I search CPDN samples?
    1. Login CPDN from CPDN .
    2. Click on "Search Samples." You have four search options:

    A) Search By Sample ID
    Enter a CPDN sample ID , then click Search button.

    B) Search By Keyword
    Enter a sample common name, scientific name, or family and selection location, then click on the Search button.

    C) Search Sample By Types
    Select the sample location, as well as the sample type and display option, then enter the approximate period of the submission time of the target sample. After doing these, click on the Search button.

    D) Search By Sample Names
    Enter the name of the sample (no matter which name you enter, you can enter common name, scientific name, or family), and host plant name. Then, select the location (listed by county) of the sample. Finally, click on the Submit button.


    How do I find my user name/password?
    1. Click on "Forget my password?" from CPDN home page.
    2. Enter your email associated with your CPDN account and press the Submit button. Your access code will be sent to your email account.

    How do I update my account information?
    1. Login CPDN.
    2. Select "Update My Account" in the head tool bar. You can change your profile and password. If you are a specialist, please specify your specialty area.

    How is CPDN sample ID generated?
    Unique CPDN sample ID is generated by CPDN server. First two digits are year and last four digits are a unique CPDN number (i.e. 02-9999).

    Where do I get IT related CPDN support?
    You can contact your local IT assisatnce or CPDN technical support at
    [email protected]

    What's the maximum file size I can upload to the CPDN server?
    Each upload file has to be less than 3MB. Please use small media files to reduce upload time and storage space.
    Normally, an image file should less than 1MB. [top]

    What version of Internet browser does CPDN support?
    CPDN supports Internet Explorer (IE 6.0 or upper), Mozilla Firefox, and Netscape (version 6.0 and up).
    Your browser must be Java and Javascript enabled (check your web browser preferences/settings).
    You are encouraged to use the latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Netscape.

    How do I make changes for a submitted sample?
    1. Login CPDN.
    2. Click on My Sample and then click on the Revise link.
    3. Describe the changes and attached new images for submission. Notification will be send to the same special its from your initial submission.

    Note: For record keeping purpose, users are allowed to add new changes only without modifying the early submission. Revision will be appended to the original submission. You may use this feature to: 1) describe changes of an existing sample, and 2) add additional images or media to a sample. In addition to six images limited by the initial submission, users may add as many images as they want to a sample. [top]

    How do I change a sample from "Public" to "Private" or vice versa?
    1. Log in CPDN
    2. Click My Sample
    3. Select View at the the rear of the target sample.
    4. Click Change this sample to private.  [top]